Voici les paroles :
Cicak don’t tell me your troubles
If I told you mine it just might burst your bubble
If you lose your tail you can grow another
Can I grow a new heart if I lose my lover?
Why should you bother about how a man feels
You only care about catching your next meal
You have no understanding of my pain
And yet you have the nerve to complain
If there’s no food here maybe there’s some there
If my house is bare you’ll still eat somewhere
But if love walks out of my lonely world
Will the next house even care?
Cicak are you on the level?
They say you are a spy for the devil
Should I be quiet when you are around me?
So you don’t go tell your master you’ve found me
When you tell him about me it should please him
Evil laughter will probably seize him
If he’s worried my happiness might last
He’ll be relieved that it’s all in the past
If you tell him what I say what will he do
Is it bad luck for me and a reward for you
Report faithfully don’t distort my words
Or he might make you a person too.
Cicak my talk has not budged you
Please forgive me if I have misjudged you
I have talked way too much so go on with your life
And I think I’ll go on with mine too.
Maybe I’ve been stupid to be scared of your master
Maybe hell is the price of getting what I asked for
So Cicak tell the devil anything you like
Cause I can almost see the light.
Cicak tell the devil anything you like
Cause I can almost see the light.
Cicak go tell the devil anything you like
Anything you like
Anything you like
Anything you like
Cicak go tell the devil anything you like
Cause I can almost see the light.
Cicak go tell the devil anything you like
Anything you like
Anything you like
Anything you like
Cicak go tell the devil anything you like
Cause I can almost see the light.
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